QR Codes: Your Art Collection's New Best Friend

Artwork Archive | November 9, 2020 (Updated September 20, 2022)

Can QR codes save art professionals time?

The answer is a resounding, yes.

QR codes are now ubiquitous and their revival is due to two factors. For one, Apple and Android added QR code scanners in the smartphone cameras. And, QR codes are found everywhere during the global pandemic as restaurants and coffee shops use them to safely share their menus while following social distancing rules.

And it turns out that QR codes are a great tool for managing your art. 

So, how do QR codes benefit your art collection? 


Implement seamless organization with QR codes  

QR may stand for quick response, but they are also a tool for your “quick reference.”

QR codes are essential for groups with large art inventories. They are used by art dealers, galleries, and museums.

When you print QR codes and use them as labels in storage, or as a checklist, you are creating an efficient and thorough organizational system. Your QR codes take up minimal space while directing you and your colleagues to more thorough information with a quick scan. 

You can create an inventory report of QR codes to share virtually with colleagues or attach QR codes to the physical artworks. Whenever you need to know more information about an artwork, just scan its code. 

QR codes not only provide thorough organization, but they also provide contactless collaboration and information sharing—critical during our global pandemic.


Add QR codes to artwork labels to share more information

QR codes allow you to provide more information about artworks on a small, scannable label. 

You can generate QR codes to add to artwork labels. Your viewer can scan the code and learn more about an artwork. That QR code directs a viewer to more information that might otherwise be left out of a label.  

This is great for public art and museum collections. Don't be limited to the space on a label or placard. Provide the full story and intent of the artist. 



Use QR codes to drive viewers to your collection

When you create a QR code in your Artwork Archive account, you can choose if your QR code will take the person scanning the code to your Public Profile, or to a private, internal page.

A QR code connected to your Public Profile drives traffic and interest to your entire collection. You can use a QR code to not just provide more information for a single artwork but as a hook to your full selection of artworks.

Once a viewer is looking at one artwork on your Public Profile, they can then start to explore your profile in its entirety. A QR code can be an introduction and a simple way to engage new viewers. It starts with an artwork scan and can end on your social media or website.

After scanning your QR code, your URL will stay in the viewer's phone. Your viewer will walk away with your information still in their browser history, and likely to revisit the site at a later date, even just to “x” out of the page.


QR codes offer opportunities for engagement

QR codes provide a point of engagement. You're giving a viewer an interactive opportunity to engage with your art. 

If you are using Artwork Archive's Public Profile, then the QR code can bring the viewer to a GoogleMap link—providing them directions to your artworks. Learn more here. 


QR codes can help you sell your artworks

If you are hesitant to display prices, you can always use a QR code to direct an interested viewer to a price for an artwork. When you create a QR code in your Artwork Archive account, you can opt to have your Artwork Archive QR code show an artwork’s price for more discreet displays. 

QR codes offer immediate access to a work for easier reference, your buyer will know exactly what they are looking at to purchase.

With more and more art sales happening online, lean into helpful technology. 


QR codes can drive purchase request for your artworks

When you send a viewer to an artwork through a QR code, they are able to send you a purchase request for that work. A QR code can speed up the art selling process and make sending a purchase request as easy as scanning the QR code itself.

Purchase requests are an Artwork Archive function that notifies you of an intent to buy. You are able to create an art invoice for your work directly through that purchase request. You can even be paid through the PayPal integration on your Artwork Archive invoice.

Can you say streamlined?


QR codes are easy to create and even easier to use

It’s easy to create QR codes in your Artwork Archive account. 

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to your Artwork Archive inventory by clicking "Pieces" in your left-hand sidebar.

  2. Click “New Report.”

  3. Select “QR Code Labels.”

  4. Generate your QR Code Labels by selecting artworks to create labels for, choosing information to include, and selecting whether or not your QR Code Labels will link to your public profile or be for internal use.

  5. Download, print, and share your QR Code Labels.

Technology is integrated into our everyday lives, why not harness it? Whether it's at an in-person art exhibit, in an email, or for your own internal use, QR codes are the way to seamlessly organize and share information. 

Start making QR codes for your art collection today.  Try out Artwork Archive’s 14-day free trial.

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