How Private Rooms on Artwork Archive Helped this Artist Go From Overwhelmed to Organized

Katie Carey | June 11, 2024

Artist Troy Dugas with his work. Photo courtesy of the artist.

How multi-media artist Troy Dugas leverages Artwork Archive's Private Rooms feature to elevate his art business and fuel his creative process.

Troy Dugas is a multi-media artist based in Lafayette, Louisiana. He currently works with various fiber techniques to create captivating tapestries inspired by motifs and imagery rooted in ancient textiles and indigenous folk art.

Through these motifs, Dugas explores a deeper personal and universal expression. "They reveal to me a powerful tension between an innocent, beautiful naivety and our relationship with nature, mortality, and the ethereal," he explains. "Combining fabric, yarn, embroidery, found objects, rope, and fringe, I create narratives that transcend time through punching, hooking, and tufting."

While the commercial aspect of art-making has never been easy for Dugas, using Artwork Archive has helped him seamlessly integrate the business side with his creative process.

"Staying organized, updating information like artwork location, sales, & contacts, it becomes more easily integrated into the workflow," he shares. "Building professional relationships with galleries has also helped tremendously and they are also integral in my business and creative process."

Why Does Organization Matter to an Art Practice?

Before discovering Artwork Archive, Dugas used a lined notebook to track sales and collectors.

However, he says he lacked an effective system for organizing and archiving his growing body of work. "There were a few years around 2012 - 2015 where I was incredibly busy with shows, producing artwork, working with three galleries and it all felt really overwhelming," he recalls. "For a very long time the word 'business' really wasn't a part of the equation as I was working so hard developing my work while always having a full-time job."

Dugas admits that the idea of using a new platform was initially daunting, as he had to backtrack and catalog 10 years' worth of past pieces. "But, once it was set up, I've been able to keep up as I go," Dugas explains.

Artist Troy Dugas at work in the studio.Artist Troy Dugas at work in the studio. Photo courtesy of the artist.


How Does Troy Dugas Use Private Rooms to Enhance Their Art Business?

One Artwork Archive feature that Dugas frequently uses is Private Rooms.

"I love organizing images in Private Rooms to send to someone securely. It allows me to sort out artworks by theme, year, material, etc. and communicate availability, pricing, and other details easily in one link," he shares.

View examples of Troy Dugas's Private Rooms on Artwork Archive below:

An example of an online viewing room, or Private Room on Artwork Archive from artist Troy Dugas with his work.

An example of an online viewing room, or Private Room on Artwork Archive from artist Troy Dugas with his work. Photo courtesy of the artist.


An example of an online viewing room, or Private Room on Artwork Archive from artist Troy Dugas with his work.

An example of an online viewing room, or Private Room on Artwork Archive from artist Troy Dugas with his work. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Private Rooms Tips from Artwork Archive:

  • Customize your Private Room: Provide a descriptive title and details about the artworks you're sharing, and consider adding optional features like pricing information or a passphrase for enhanced privacy.
  • Select and add artworks: Filter your artwork by collections, medium, status, tags, and more to easily locate and add the desired pieces to your Private Room.
  • Share artworks through the Private Rooms feature: Publish your Private Room to generate a shareable URL that you can copy and send to clients or collaborators via email or by adding their Artwork Archive contacts directly within the platform.

Learn how to create a Private Viewing Room here. 

Sign up for a free trial of Artwork Archive here

How Can Artists Use Private Rooms in Different Scenarios?

Dugas has found countless ways to use Private Rooms, showcasing just how flexible and adaptable the feature can be. "I use Private Rooms for working with art consultants, updating galleries of new work, and most recently used it to apply for a grant. I've also used it to show samples of sold work for clients interested in commissions," he elaborates.

In one memorable instance, Dugas used the Private Room Feature to follow up with a client interested in a previously sold piece. "A client contacted me over two years ago interested in a piece that was already sold. I made a new version of the piece a few weeks ago and followed up with her by sending a few pics through Instagram. When she requested more images, I added the piece to my artwork archive, created a private room, and sent the link. With the Private Room, she could review the piece with all the details and extra photos all in one place. The professional quality of the presentation made the sale!" he recounts.

Another recent Dugas has was using the Private Rooms feature to send samples for a grant proposal.

"It was the first time I used Private Rooms Feature for something like this, and I really liked having control of how the works are viewed by the jurors. Usually, you are forced to upload to other applications to apply for grants and competitions without knowing how your images are being viewed on the other side. When there is an option to submit via a link this—it's the way to go!" Dugas enthuses.


Different Ways to Consider Using Private Rooms:

  • Create customized collections for different clients, galleries, or projects, tailoring the artwork selection to their specific needs and interests.
  • Use Private Rooms to showcase a cohesive body of work, series, or theme, making it easy for viewers to understand your artistic vision.
  • Use Private Rooms for commissions, grant applications, and gallery submissions, to streamline your communication and presentation process.

An example of an online viewing room, or Private Room on Artwork Archive from artist Troy Dugas with his work.

An example of an online viewing room, or Private Room on Artwork Archive from artist Troy Dugas with his work. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Is It Possible to Incorporate Private Rooms into the Creative Process?

Beyond the business aspects, Dugas has found Private Rooms valuable for his artistic development.

"I sometimes create rooms for myself to understand the evolution of my own work to see where I've been and where I'm going," he shares.

For Dugas, using Private Rooms has not only enhanced his efficiency and productivity but also elevated his professionalism. "I think being as professional as possible is crucial in the art business and using Private Rooms really helps with that," he reflects.

By leveraging tools like Private Rooms within his Artwork Archive account, Troy Dugas exemplifies how artists can optimize their business operations while staying true to their creative process. The seamless integration allows more time and energy for the artistic pursuits that fuel their passion. "It's so easy to do, I can create private rooms for all kinds of request at any time," Dugas affirms.

A step-by-step guide on how to create a Private Room on Artwork Archive:

  1. Navigate to "Private Rooms" under the "Artwork" menu and click "New."
  2. Enter a title, description, and any optional details for your Private Room.
  3. Ensure "Published" is selected and add an optional passphrase for privacy.
  4. Scroll down and use filters to locate the artworks you want to include.
  5. Click on the desired artworks and then click "Add" to add them to the room.
  6. Click "Save Room" to create your Private Room.

Learn more about how to create a Private Viewing Room here. 


Explore how Artwork Archive's Private Rooms feature can help you elevate your art business. Start your free trial today

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