6 Signs Your Art Business Might Need More Than Excel

Paige Simianer | August 23, 2024

A look inside Mel Reese's Studio with Artwork Archive open on her laptop. Photo courtesy of the artist

"I don't need an inventory management system, spreadsheets can do everything I need." 

Have you found yourself saying those exact same words? If you have, you're not alone—many artists use Excel, feeling it's a safe and familiar option for managing their art business.

Excel can seem like a reliable choice at first since it handles basic tasks like organizing data. But, is it truly the best tool to support your growth as an artist? 

While spreadsheets can get the job done on a surface level, they can only take you so far. Formatting professional reports? That can be challenging. Keeping everything organized and secure? Well, let's hope your laptop doesn't crash. The truth is, relying solely on Excel might be holding you back more than you realize. 

Here are six signs that you may be ready for something better—something designed specifically for artists. 

Artwork Archive artist Dasha Pears signing her artwork. Photo courtesy of the artist. 

Sign #1

You're Constantly Wishing for More Convenience

Imagine you're at an art fair and a potential buyer is intrigued by your work. They ask about other pieces you have available, and you realize all that information is sitting in an Excel file on your desktop at home. Or, maybe you're trying to jot down their contact info on a scrap of paper, hoping you won't lose it.

You'd likely benefit from a solution that provides access to your inventory and business information anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Access Your Art Inventory Anytime, Anywhere:

With Artwork Archive, you can access your entire inventory from your phone, tablet, or any device with internet access. You're able to show off your latest pieces, check prices, or even update contact information right on the spot. 


Sign #2

Your Organization Is Getting Overwhelming

We've all been there—sifting through multiple spreadsheets, trying to find that one piece of information about a specific artwork. It's frustrating—especially when you're on a deadline or need to provide quick details to a gallery. The more your body of artwork grows, the harder it gets to keep everything organized in Excel. It's almost as if you're trying to juggle a hundred balls at once; eventually, one’s bound to drop.

Clicking through multiple spreadsheets to find the right information is a surefire way to realize that Excel's limitations are causing you stress.

If you’re often frustrated by how cumbersome it is to manage your data, it may be a sign you need a more organized and efficient system.

Simplify Managing Your Art Business:

Artwork Archive offers a more efficient and visually intuitive way to manage your data. You can organize your pieces, track their locations, manage contacts, and even monitor sales and expenses—all in one place. It takes the stress out of running your business, so you can focus on what you really love: creating art. 


Sign #3

You're Worried About Losing Your Data

What happens if a cup of coffee spills on your laptop, or your computer just decides it's had enough and crashes?

If all your important business information is stored solely in Excel, you might be in big trouble. Yes, losing data is inconvenient, but it can also significantly set you back in your art business, especially if you can't remember all the details you had stored. 

Relying solely on Excel to protect your artistic legacy isn't enough. 

Keep Your Data Safe and Accessible:

This is where Artwork Archive shines. It’s a cloud-based platform, meaning all your data is securely stored online. Even if your hardware fails, your information is safe and can be accessed from any device.

Plus, you can easily download backups for extra peace of mind. No more sleepless nights worrying about losing your hard work.


A peek inside Artwork Archive artist Shingo Yamazaki using the platform

Sign #4

You're Struggling to Produce Professional Reports

Galleries and Collectors will often request things from you, like an Inventory Report or an Invoice. If all your important artwork details are stored in Excel, you'll likely end up manually crafting a document, copying images, and formatting everything to look professional. It’s tedious, time-consuming, and, to be honest, might not even turn out as polished as you’d like.

Excel might be able to handle basic data, but creating polished reports that make you look like the professional you are? It falls short. 

Easily Create Professional Reports to Share With the Art World:

With Artwork Archive, generating professional reports is as simple as clicking a few buttons since all of your work and details are already in one place.

Whether you need Consignment Reports, Portfolio Pages, Invoices, Artwork Labels, Certificates of Authenticity, or more, everything can be produced quickly and professionally.

With Reports on Artwork Archive, you can present yourself in the best light possible. 


Sign #5

 You're Missing Out on Valuable Business Insights

Do you know the total value of your inventory at a glance? Can you easily see which pieces are selling best or where all your artwork is currently located? Excel might give you raw data, but it doesn’t offer the kind of insights that can help you make informed business decisions.

With Excel, you might have all the pieces of a puzzle but no picture to show you how they fit together.

Gain Valuable Insights to Grow Your Art Business:

Artwork Archive provides comprehensive insights into your business. You can see your inventory value, track your sales, and analyze your production versus sales performance—all in one place. This information helps you understand what's working and what needs adjusting, empowering you to make strategic decisions that benefit your career.


Sign #6

You're Struggling to Effectively Promote Your Art

Let's face it: promoting your art is as crucial as creating it. If you're finding it hard to showcase your work online or connect with potential buyers, it might be because Excel just isn't designed for that.

You need a platform that not only manages your inventory but also helps you present your art professionally and attractively.

Increase Your Reach with Artwork Archive's Public Profile:

Artwork Archive's Public Profile feature acts as a professional online portfolio. It’s easily shareable and can even be indexed on Google, helping potential buyers find you.

Plus, you can connect this portfolio with your own artist website, keeping everything up-to-date easily.


Ready to Move Beyond Excel?

Do any of these signs ring true for you? If you’re realizing that Excel might be slowing you down, you're not alone. Recognizing this is the first step toward a more efficient and professional art business!

Your work deserves better than a clunky spreadsheet. It's time to move on from outdated tools and find a solution that keeps up with your needs.

Artwork Archive makes it easier to organize your data, safeguard what matters, and spend more time focusing on your art.

Ready to stop struggling with spreadsheets and start elevating your business? Leave Excel behind and give Artwork Archive a try today.


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