“Titanesque Vigilance” is a painting inspired by Greek mythology. The piece features a reclining female figure, her back turned to the viewer, exuding an emotion oscillating between tranquility and an undercurrent of anticipatory tension. This work comes from the episode in Greek mythology where the titans are chained to the underworld by Zeus and speaks to the themes of power, struggle and patience.bre beneath the surface of the water. I imagined that the little character whose legs we only see is safe thanks to the water creature who secretly assists him.
Fait référence à la guerre de Zeus contre Cronos et à l'emprisonnement de celui-ci et des Titans dans le Tartare.
Cette figure, peinte ici, ne dort que d'un oeil; vigilante créature qui ne rêve que de s'échapper.
- Subject Matter: Portrait
- Collections: Modèles vivants en stéréoscopie