Marlene Roy


My 2023 Painting Challenge - What Happened?


2023 was interesting or perhaps I should say challenging, but not in the way I thought it would be.

My 2023 Painting Challenge

Way back in January 2023 when I did my annual planning I thought my biggest painting challenge would be sticking to the plan to paint about my chosen theme ‘Continuity and Change,’ but the unexpected happened.


Unexpectedly, my health took a hit, which impacted my painting process. (Note: I continue to adapt and you can read about my new path in my previous blog ‘2024 - My Year of Slow Painting). I did stay with the theme, but not in the systematic way I had anticipated. I pivoted to being more spontaneous and either painted landscapes mostly close to home or used reference photos.

Plantscapes Collection

The result is my 2023 Collection of paintings called ‘Plantscapes.’ I would like to give a big shout out to artist Cole Concilla ( @cole_concilla on Instagram) for suggesting the name.

This eclectic collection was inspired by several different types of landscapes at various scales — prairies, mountains, my city garden, the Canadian Shield and so on. All the paintings focus on plants large and small with some being large landscapes ( prairies and mountains) painted from an encompassing, distant perspective while others are up close and intimate ( city garden ).

I hope you enjoy the collection. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or for more detailed photos of the paintings.

I will be posting photos of the paintings on Instagram for the next few months so please follow me there. I’m