UNLV Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art
Las Vegas, Nevada
We believe everyone deserves access to art that challenges our understanding of the present and inspires us to create a future that makes space for us all.
Message“In 1995, Maria Zavala, a 37-year-
old Zacatecan farmworking woman.
Expecting a child prays to Our Lady
of Guadalupe (OLG) after breaking
her right ankle. Odds were against her
pregnancy Continuing safely. With a
strong devotion to OLG, today, that child
(Maria Guadalupe) has an emerging
career as an environmental scientist.”
"En 1995, María Zavala, una campesina
zacatecana de 37 años. Esperando una
hija reza a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
(NSG) tras romperse el tobillo derecho.
Las probabilidades estaban en contra de
que su embarazo Continuará seguro. Con
una fuerte devoción por NSG, hoy, esa
niña (María Guadalupe) tiene una carrera
emergente como científica ambiental."
- Created: 2022