"In the Sorgue," an 8 x 10" oil painting, encapsulates the serene beauty of the La Sorgue river in the Fontaine de Vaucluse, where centuries-old Plane trees, also known as Sycamores, create a lush canopy. The source of La Sorgue, a chasm originating from an underground network of snowmelt from the surrounding mountains, lies just above, making it France's largest spring with one of the most significant outputs globally. As the artist put the finishing touches on this masterpiece, a fisherman unwittingly stepped into the perfect vantage point, leading to an inevitable revisit of this scene on a larger scale to capture its timeless allure.
- Framed: 15.5 x 13.5 x 2 in (39.37 x 34.29 x 5.08 cm)
- Subject Matter: Lancape waterscaoe
- Created: 2023
- Inventory Number: 20230912b
- Current Location: Home
- Collections: Landscape