"Blue Play" is a captivating multi-panel watercolor abstract artwork that immerses the viewer into a world of ethereal blues and bold brushstrokes. The six individual pieces collectively form a breathtaking composition, where soothing cerulean, tranquil turquoise, deep cobalt, and metallic hues come together in a captivating visual symphony. The artist's masterful use of watercolors seamlessly blends translucent washes and dynamic splatters, evoking elements of nature such as distant horizons and intricate patterns found within the environment. "Blue Play" invites viewers on an introspective journey through emotions, where each piece is entangled in a moment in time, waiting to be interpreted and felt by those who engage with its beauty.
- Subject Matter: Abstract
- Created: 2023
- Inventory Number: 20230524A-F
- Current Location: ATN
- Collections: Floral