The Artists Gallery (TAG)
Los Angeles, CA
TAG Gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery on Museum Row in the Miracle Mile Wilshire Blvd district of Los Angeles, California
Everyone I want to say thank you so much for being with me from start to finish. And for those who are new, you're welcomed! But I spent the last 6 months coloring this, and I'm surprised seeing it now, from when I first started on it back then.
But the reason I named this High Hopes is because us as the human race need to realise for every fears or insecurities that can cause low self esteem, anxiety, depression and etc. And overcoming fears can help uprise your soul from your ego, because todays society especially with social media we keep focusing on the negativity in our lives and we keep wanting to blame other people for our mistakes we keep making ourselves.
And also I'm also speaking to young generations who are growing up into social media, and technology either millenials, Gen Z, and Generation Alpha. Watch the social dilemna, but suicide rates sky rocket for young people now, mental disorder rates are rising, constant fear and advertisement numbing you and I to the floor dead inside. And I know alot of young people including me feel very similar to what I'm trying to say. Is high hopes to our future, if this generation feels so terrified now I can only have high hopes for the future, for all of the young people and everyone in quarantine with families who are experiencing horrible times during this pandemic, and have lost loved ones.💔 I wish the human race high hopes for the future.
Anyone who is feeling lost, will find high hopes.
- Subject Matter: Visionary, Spiritual
Other Work From The Artists Gallery (TAG)
TAG, The Artists Gallery 5458 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036
323.297.3061 | [email protected] | Open Wednesday to Sunday