Nebraska 1% for Public Art

Recently Completed 1% for Public Art Project

Douwe Blumberg: Reflections of Service, installed November 2019

Recently Completed 1% for Public Art Project

Reflections of Service explores the healing that comes with time, the importance of our memories as we age, how we view the past through the veil of time, and the search for peace and contentment. 

The life-sized bronze statue includes a wise veteran kneeling atop a shimmering waters’ surface, fishing pole in hand. Thoughtfully gazing down, he reaches for his silver, ethereal reflection beneath the surface. The reflection is actually a mirror-image of the upper figure, sculpted very loosely and cast in silver stainless steel. It is a large piece, standing approximately seven feet tall. 


Douwe Blumberg's studio and home is located in Kentucky. He approaches each sculpture as a creative "blank slate" without any technical limitations that might inhibit exploration of new ideas, styles, techniques or materials.