This book illustrates a story our daughter told us when she was three years old, that she watched us (her family) as she ate cotton candy in the sky. One word is stitched on each blank page that sits above another page with a pulp painted cloud on it. The text reads: she was eating clouds observing earth below awaiting her descent and is visible to varying degrees as the pages are turned.
I found it so amazing – that my child who had just learned to talk had grasped one of the eternal wonders: where do we come from? My interpretation of her story appears and disappears as the pages are turned and the threads move through clouds in a range of the spectrum.
Nebulae means “a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.” It shares a root with nebulous, which this story is since nobody really knows what happens before (or after) birth/life/death.
I created an entire rainbow of pulp painted clouds on folios. Therefore, each book in the edition of five features a different color scheme.
- Subject Matter: clouds
- Reproductions: Available