Derek Gores Gallery
Pretty In Pink Patience by Jen Tyler by Derek Gores Gallery  Image: Artist Bio::::
Creativity is my blood and bones.

I specialize in Art - Nature - Technology - Creativity - Love.

I'm based, born, and raised on the Space Coast of Florida.  

I am a photographer, a designer, an artist, an illustrator, a painter, a baker, a shaker, a knitter, a builder, a DIYer, a gory makeup maker, a jewelry maker, a creator. 

I also love math and problem solving.

I live and create outside of the box. I don’t even know where the box is.
Artist Bio:::: Creativity is my blood and bones. I specialize in Art - Nature - Technology - Creativity - Love. I'm based, born, and raised on the Space Coast of Florida. I am a photographer, a designer, an artist, an illustrator, a painter, a baker, a shaker, a knitter, a builder, a DIYer, a gory makeup maker, a jewelry maker, a creator. I also love math and problem solving. I live and create outside of the box. I don’t even know where the box is.
  • Current Location: Derek Gores Gallery