Derek Gores Gallery
Merchandising by Cristina Casellas by Derek Gores Gallery  Image: Cristina Casellas is a Cuban Jewish American traditional artist from Orlando, FL, originally from Hollywood. She draws inspiration from her youth and pop-culture references of her past to create whimsical, bright and bold paintings, usually in acrylic. She hopes her art helps viewers reflect and enjoy lost memories as well as question what significance it still has on our lives today. Cristina can be found at local pop-up galleries and markets throughout the Central Florida area as Central Coastal Craft, where she sells her art alongside vintage toy accessories and tchotchkes, and offers pet portrait commissions. Her art is also on display currently at OsceolaArts in Creativa: Women in Art Show.
Cristina Casellas is a Cuban Jewish American traditional artist from Orlando, FL, originally from Hollywood. She draws inspiration from her youth and pop-culture references of her past to create whimsical, bright and bold paintings, usually in acrylic. She hopes her art helps viewers reflect and enjoy lost memories as well as question what significance it still has on our lives today. Cristina can be found at local pop-up galleries and markets throughout the Central Florida area as Central Coastal Craft, where she sells her art alongside vintage toy accessories and tchotchkes, and offers pet portrait commissions. Her art is also on display currently at OsceolaArts in Creativa: Women in Art Show.