Derek Gores Gallery
All Tears Are Out-Done by Holly Vargas by Derek Gores Gallery  Image: About the Artist: What can I say? Im a...the list is long strap in, A woman, mom, teacher, painter, photographer, crafter, caregiver, adventurer, and Divorced. Just like many artists, I choose mediums based on the type of mood I am in and what is going on in my life. When I got divorced I was devastated, so I documented my feelings. Fast forward 3 years to present day. I am thriving, teaching art during the summer and P.E. during the school year, as well as helping senior citizens get back into painting at the assisted living facility. In between working I'm busy being a mom , running from soccer games to band practices. I do work hard but also Play Hard , making art, attending art festivals, and hitting the water.
About the Artist: What can I say? Im a...the list is long strap in, A woman, mom, teacher, painter, photographer, crafter, caregiver, adventurer, and Divorced. Just like many artists, I choose mediums based on the type of mood I am in and what is going on in my life. When I got divorced I was devastated, so I documented my feelings. Fast forward 3 years to present day. I am thriving, teaching art during the summer and P.E. during the school year, as well as helping senior citizens get back into painting at the assisted living facility. In between working I'm busy being a mom , running from soccer games to band practices. I do work hard but also Play Hard , making art, attending art festivals, and hitting the water.