Carissa Barcus
It's Flooding Down in Texas by Carissa Barcus  Image: ...All of the telephone lines are down.  It's no secret we have torrential downpours in Texas. This piece is inspired by the Stevie Ray vaughn classic rock song of the same name.  Any time we have big storms in Houston I always listen to this song.  This piece was painted on one such days.  Layers and movement abound in this blueish teal, orange and grey toned piece.
...All of the telephone lines are down. It's no secret we have torrential downpours in Texas. This piece is inspired by the Stevie Ray vaughn classic rock song of the same name. Any time we have big storms in Houston I always listen to this song. This piece was painted on one such days. Layers and movement abound in this blueish teal, orange and grey toned piece.