Carissa Barcus
Forest for the Trees by Carissa Barcus  Image: I can't see the forest for the Trees, a phrase my mother said often when I was a child.  The general meaning is that you are no able to see beyond your own shortsightedness.  Not your actual vision being obstructed.  This piece calls the viewer to stay present and see beyond your limiting beliefs for a broader, more compassionate view of those around you and the world as a whole.
I can't see the forest for the Trees, a phrase my mother said often when I was a child. The general meaning is that you are no able to see beyond your own shortsightedness. Not your actual vision being obstructed. This piece calls the viewer to stay present and see beyond your limiting beliefs for a broader, more compassionate view of those around you and the world as a whole.
  • Subject Matter: Abstract Expressionism